Now you know Sunny is never mad at a stop at Sonic, she even has the Lifetime Card to prove it! Here’s a look back at the time our girl went to the Sonic Drive-In Convention in Vegas to preview the newest menu items. Some people have all the luck, right?
Hey there! I’m in Las Vegas hangin’ out with the crew, well many crews, from Sonic Drive-Ins across the country. Every year they have a convention and celebrate the crew members and leaders and this year asked me to join. I am more than happy to be here because Sonic was my very first job … ever. Well, I volunteered with the Red Cross, but this was the first paying job, with responsibilities and boy did it really shape me. Probably why I talk about it on Cooking for Real so much. Good thing I do though, because they heard about me and asked me to come hang out. I kept looking for the onion ring clause on the contract, never located it lol. I did however manage to get paid in Cherry Limeade Chips today … totally a highlight!!!
If you are lucky to have a Sonic Drive-In in your area I hope you have car hops with skates, there is just something neat about it. Well today I judged the “So You Think You Can Skate” competition. There was an obstacle course complete with customers, an agility skating course, and then at the end they had a skate off. Take a look at some of my amateur video …
Pretty cool. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being those people from the 70s doing crazy tricks and acrobatics, I’m about a 1. lol. So, I wore the skates a few times back then, but preferred shoes and a smile as my work accessories. That was 20 years ago, wow I feel really old. 20 years later and Sonic has their own brand of skates … crazy …
Neat huh? Now I have a reason to practice my skills … just need to buy some knee pads and a helmet teeheehee. Ok, just wanted to share a bit.